[2019] Op het JFVD-congres ging het vooral om de tegenstander[Reportage in de context van mijn stage bij de Groene Amsterdammer]Jun 4, 2023Jun 4, 2023
This is Why Hannah Arendt Thinks you are a “Superhuman”Ever feel powerless? A clog in a churning machinery that would behave the same way with or without you? Hannah Arendt, the German-Jewish…Mar 20, 2022Mar 20, 2022
The Noble Belief in Plato’s MenoMeno is one of the most prominent ‘early Platonic’ discussions. Themes that have found interest among (modern) readers is the story of the…Jan 27, 2022Jan 27, 2022
Why playfulness is a precondition for serious thinkingPreface to the underestimated topic of playfulness in the active understanding of topics that we deem important and of meriting serious…Nov 29, 2021Nov 29, 2021
Prosthetic interactions: why efforts to preserve regional cultures are legitimateImagine a world where there are no boundaries, no religion, and everyone identifies with each other based on their shared humanness. We all…Jul 25, 2021Jul 25, 2021
Why you should aim to know only 70% about any topicInfinitely curious people face the problem of the finitude of their presence. We only have so much time and energy. Not enough to know…May 20, 2021May 20, 2021
Stephen Fry Resists ‘Self-righteous’ Political CorrectnessHow does a liberal-left somewhat progressive intellectual like Stephen Fry sit next to a conservative classical liberal like Jordan…Jun 10, 2020Jun 10, 2020
Recensie ‘Hebzucht’ van Jeroen Linssen‘Hebzucht is goed! Het is verhelderend, snijdt door alle onzin heen en komt tot de essentie van de evolutionaire geest.’ Zo eindigt de…May 30, 2020May 30, 2020
Initial reflection on the value of ‘the noble lieThis short essay is one of the nine essays I prepared to answer three of my open-book exams. I decided not to submit this essay. The…May 20, 2020May 20, 2020